Cleanse your crystals
Crystals can absorb energy from you and the environment around them. This energy may be positive or negative, but over time the negative energy can build up, interfering with the effectiveness of your crystal.
2 easy ways to cleanse:
Selenite is a great way to cleanse your crystals. Just lay your crystals on or against the selenite for around 6 hours (or as long as you feel guided to leave them).
Selenite is a great way to cleanse your crystals. Just lay your crystals on or against the selenite for around 6 hours (or as long as you feel guided to leave them).
Another cleansing method you can do is using sage. Sage smudging sticks can be purchased, or you can use loose sage leaves. The smoke from burning sage is an excellent cleanser not only for your crystals but also for the surrounding environment. To cleanse your crystals this way you can either hold the burning sage near the crystals so that the smoke fills the air around them. Or hold your crystals in and near the smoke. Make sure you are performing this cleansing method in a safe way with the burning sage in something fire-proof, such as a metal bowl.
Another cleansing method you can do is using sage. Sage smudging sticks can be purchased, or you can use loose sage leaves. The smoke from burning sage is an excellent cleanser not only for your crystals but also for the surrounding environment. To cleanse your crystals this way you can either hold the burning sage near the crystals so that the smoke fills the air around them. Or hold your crystals in and near the smoke. Make sure you are performing this cleansing method in a safe way with the burning sage in something fire-proof, such as a metal bowl.
3 ways on how to cleanse using mother nature
Full Moon
Place your crystals in the moonlight outside and preferably on the ground. If the ground isn’t an option try to place them on a natural surface. While placing them directly in the moonlight is ideal, sometimes you may find that its raining or there may be a lot of cloud cover during the Full Moon. You can still cleanse your crystals at times like these, as it's the energy of the Full Moon that really does the cleansing.
(Just be careful if it's raining, as some crystals, like Selenite, will dissolve in water. Other crystals, like any from the Quartz family ( ie Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, etc) will love the extra cleansing that the rain offers).
You can cleanse your crystals by burying them in the earth. Crystals love to be grounded, and because they came from the earth this seems like a logical method (Be aware of moisture. Some crystals are water-soluble and may begin to dissolve if the earth is too wet, such as Selenite).
Many people swear by using salt to cleanse their crystals. You should bury your crystals in a bowl of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt and leave them for about an hour. The salt is meant to absorb the negative energy from the crystals. Be sure to throw away the salt after cleansing as the negative energy has been absorbed into the salt.
As you can see there are many ways to cleanse your crystals. Each method has pros and cons, but you will probably find a method or two which you prefer. It’s also a good idea to set your intention before you start your cleansing ritual and perform it mindfully. The more often you use a crystal, the more often it will need cleansing; try to use your intuition for this. Happy cleansing!