Positive outlook on life
Switching your mind-set and your thought pattern from negative and pessimistic into positive and optimistic is often easier said than done. But luckily, you don’t have to go through this transformative journey alone. The perfect Crystal to assist you with this is Tourmalinated Quartz. It's ready to support you as you begin to use all challenging situations as an opportunity for looking at the matters from another point of view.
Why Tourmalinated Quartz?
Before we dive into some different ways to use this crystal, it can be helpful to first understand why Tourmalinated Quartz is such a powerful tool for your everyday life.
As a combination of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated Quartz aids in releasing what doesn’t serve you and getting clear on what does. Tourmalinated Quartz teaches us resilience so we can constantly shift back into the light and spirit of being positive.
Each and every day, this crystal urges you to ask yourself how you are going to show up. Are you going to choose the darkness or the light? You have the power to shift and transform quickly, and this is the stone to help you do it.
How To Let Go
So, how do you actually go about shifting your perspective? The first step is to wear a crystal bracelet made with Tourmalinated Quartz, like the Optimism Bracelet. When you wear Tourmalinated Quartz on a daily basis, you can begin reprogramming yourself. You can start catching yourself when you are feeling stuck or resistant, and make a conscious choice to turn things around. Instead of getting stuck in a downward spiral, you can bring awareness to the darker thoughts you are experiencing and transform them into more positive ones that serve you better to get a much more optimistic outlook on things. Soon, the lighter side of life becomes your new normal, making small but powerful changes to live a better life.
How to work with the Tourmaline Quartz bracelet
Sit quietly with the stone for 20 minutes and take deep breaths. With each inhale, breath in new positive energy and on the exhale breath out old negative energy, while visualising how your positive future looks like.
Set the intension with your bracelet: You need to remember to work with your crystals, meaning they need a cleaning and intension setting regularly and depending on how much you work with them.