Sleep Well Crystals Set
Good sleep doesn’t just mean lots of sleep: it means the right kind of sleep. Sleep affects our ability to use our language, sense, hear, see and understand our surroundings, which is why it is such an essential part of our lives. This set guarantees a good night’s sleep, dedicated to make you feel refreshed and energised.
Amethyst: Brings calming and shooting energies. Allow its energy to soothe away the day-to-day stresses that keeps you up at night.
Selenite: Is the best crystal for insomnia. It provides a protective energy and releases stress while you’re asleep.
Hematite is great at grounding and helping you to digest the day.
Clear Quartz: Ensures pleasant dreams and makes the other crystals’ properties stronger when kept close together.
A How-To-Guide
Have them under your pillow and lay in bed visualising your body and eyelids becoming slightly heavier. You can add soft spa music or a guided meditation on very low volume if you are having a tough time focusing on sleep.
Leave out on windowsill in view of moonlight overnight. In the morning, sit quietly with your crystals and repeat your intentions for a few minutes.
Place on a Selenite charging plate for at least 6 hours or use Sage Smoke to pass over the crystals.